Comfort Objects
What I always have and must have is my comfort object. Every child in my community is given a comfort object when they born, which is soft and stuffed pillows. They are illustrated by imaginary creatures, such as lion. Mine is an elephant. My teacher said that they had rough hard skin to protect from temperature changes and attacks from their enemies. But I've never seen them in my whole in tire life. My teacher also said that all the animals were extinct by some kind of natural causes. Anyways, at the age of 8, there is a rule that you have to have it recycled for the younger children. My brother had one too, and it was called a bear. Of course he gave them away to the center. My smaller brother, Gabriel, also got one to and its called a hippo. It doesn't look nice, but sure its more soft than ours. My mother says that since I'm going to be 8 soon, I should practice sleeping without the comfort object. I know I'm the only one in my age group who hasn't learnt to sleep without the comfort object. And I do feel ashamed of my self. Comfort objects are usually keeped on the shelf. I'm very exited to be 8 years old, yet concerned that I will lose my comfort object forever. I am wondering how I am going to sleep without the comfort object.
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